Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wonderful Relationships.

Ah today, I got to go up to Taylor University and visit my wonderful best friend. Not only was it so great to see her and meet more of her friends, it was just so nice to see what college life can really be like! Once again, more encouragement for when I go back to school and try to meet new people! But it was so great to just get to hang out with my bestie and everything before I leave for school and we go a few months without hanging out. But the thing is, while her and I haven't spent a lot of time together over the past few months, our friendship hasn't changed much. I mean sure we have to update each other a little more each time we talk as to what is going on in our lives, but nothing major at all. If something even slightly big happens, the other one already knows. I have been so blessed with this great friendship over the past few months especially, and it certainly helped me through this past semester.

Now while my she and I have certainly made efforts to keep each other in our lives, I don't think either of us can be given the credit for remaining so close. The thing is, I truly believe that the reason she and I have stayed such good friends with 600 miles between us is because of our common faith in the Lord. While she and I certainly have similarities that keep us connected, I think that our faith is what has helped us keep such a strong friendship. In this situation, as well as others in my life, I've stayed much closer to those friends who have Christ involved in their life. It's like because we are involved in something beyond ourselves, it helps us remember the importance of our friendship? It's hard to put into words exactly why those friendships seem to stay the strongest, but I know without a doubt it has to do with our relationships with the Lord. It seems to just be a great example of the community and relationships that come out of having that relationship with God I guess this is just another great blessing that God has given me and others who believe in Him!

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