Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some random thoughts.

Right now is one of those times that I just can't get my mind to stop. I don't have anything in particular to think about, but I just keep thinking. It's like I should be doing something, should be accomplishing something, but I really don't have much to do. Well I guess I do, I just don't want to do any of it. I need a break. I'm tired of stress! I wish it didn't eat away at me and make me crazy until I finally finish whatever i'm stressing over.

Earlier today, I just wanted to write all day long. I don't even know why, I was just in a writing mood. Unfortunately I had to go to class instead of getting to write, so I figured I would write a little bit now. I was just looking at some interior design blogs online, and ah i feel inspired. Like I know that sounds really cheesy and everything, but I really am. Just seeing all those different ideas makes me went to do something. It makes me want to be done with school and just doing what I want to do. At school here, choosing interior design as your major is like signing your social life away. Like it gets worse the longer you're in the program, but the juniors and seniors practically live in the studio. It's a little depressing and definitely discouraging, because it makes me wonder if everything is worth it. Is it worth sacrificing sleep and relaxing time just for a degree? Is it worth being stressed for the next three and a half years, only to possibly continue being just as stressed when the time comes for a career? The thing is, watching these upperclassmen just motivates me to not want to be like them. It makes me want to learn to balance my time so efficiently that I can do my absolute best at interior design, while still maintaining a life. I don't want to not have any friends when I graduate college, and I don't want to get in the mindset of my job must consume my life. I feel like that is what everyone involved in interior design here wants me to think, that school is just preparation for the real world. Like once I get out of here, interior design will be my sole existence.

Well I have decided that simply won't do.

[i apologize for the rambling]

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