Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mighty to Save.

I have been blessed with a God who chooses to need me. It's not like God couldn't do absolutely everything he wanted on his own. Think about it. He's omnipotent. He can do anything he wants. He has such great powers that He has displayed countless upon countless times. Just thinking about everything He has done overwhelms me. For starters, He has:

Created the world.
Created this entire universe, upon others as well.
Kept this world spinning for forever.
Caused a worldwide flood.
Created the entire human race.
Created a way for this entire corrupted human race to be redeemed.
Given us His holy word so that we can learn more about Him.
And somehow,
He has made it possible in a world filled with fallen people for us to serve Him and have a relationship with Him.

The best part is, all of that is just the beginning. He has done so much for those who believe in Him, and even those who don't. Even in my life, I can think of so many instances in which God has showed up right when I needed Him most and helped turn things around. He has forced me to reevaluate those that I have surrounded myself with and change that for the better. He has helped me make all sorts of decisions, both big and small. He has saved me from scary situations, and has saved my life. God has done so much in my life, so much that I don't deserve.

Here I am, a mere sinner obsessed with everything involving myself. How is it even possible that He could still want me, still want to have that relationship with me? How can God still crave my attention, and still accept me just the way I am? It amazes me to no end. When I come to this realization, I'm left feeling like all I want to do is serve Him. I just don't understand how a God so great and powerful and wonderful would still choose to need me. With all my imperfections and shortcoming, He still want me to be a voice for Him and to show His love to those around me. With such a powerful God, how can I not live for Him?

My God is Mighty to Save.

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