Tuesday, February 22, 2011

His Plan is Good.

So today I kind of had a flash back to one of the scariest events of my life. I can’t exactly go into many details at all thanks to different issues, but I can say it involved a car crash in early August. That night God protected me and my sister, and showed His grace and mercy to me more vividly than I had ever witnessed before in my life.

See, today I got an email saying that there was another side to the story, and that side may make my side look a little tainted. I know that sounds like it’d be obvious, but that didn't matter. It’s complicated and a mess, and I can’t really say much more, but that doesn't really matter! You’ll just have to take my word for it.

When I read that email I kind of panicked, and was so afraid that no one would believe me. I was afraid that the people who needed to see my side wouldn't, and that things would be messed up. I began to think through the events of that night and try and come up with what I could have done differently, what I did wrong, and what I should have done. I began to replay it all in my head, but I couldn't come up with a better option than what I did that night. I called my mom and briefly told her what was going on, and she processed it all and called me back with some wonderful comfort. She told me that in that situation I did all that I could, and that it doesn't matter what the other person thinks. What is supposed to happen will happen, and that’s just that. I can’t change what I did that night, and I certainly can’t change the outcome.

I knew that what she was saying was true, and as she talked to me I really soaked it all in. She was right! God had a plan, and that plan is going to happen no matter what. Both in this situation as well as every other area of life. God has a way that He wants things to go, and nothing can get in His way. I mean come on, what can possibly even try to stop the God of the universe? Nothing is really coming to my mind.

How comforting is that?! No matter what, God’s Will will be done. What he has planned is going to happen, and everything He does is good. Even those things that seem so terrible and awful, those things that seem nothing but miserable, are good. I had to remind myself of this constantly after the accident, and it took a long time for me to believe it. And last semester when I started college, that was definitely a time that I had to give myself that reminder all the time just to keep my sanity. God has a plan, and it is good. Always. Not sometimes, not just when I pray a lot, not just when God is happy with me, always.

It’s amazing how God can always give you comfort you when you go looking for it.

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