Monday, April 4, 2011

Seek Rest In God.

Hi there.
So first off, once again I would like to apologize for my lack of writing. I have been so extremely overwhelmed with school work, and I just haven't had a chance. I know that sounds like a lame excuse and like I'm just not trying to make time, but I promise it's true! But now I'm here writing, and I will try to write a whole lot more often!

Anyways, on to a new thought.
Last Sunday (like a week ago yesterday) in church, we sang a new song. Now I'll be honest, I wasn't a big fan of it. It kind of consisted with the same line sang over and over, with a little bit of variation, for about five minutes. The "little bit of variation" meaning that you changed one word every six lines or so. You know what I mean? It was a bit much. Since the lyrics were basically the same the whole song through, I started thinking about one of the lines. It said:

"My soul finds rest in You alone."

The funny thing is, as soon as I heard that line I immediately wanted to write about it. Not necessarily write something simply to post it on my blog, but just to sit down and start writing out my thoughts. Of course I haven't had any time due to stress and projects, so I simply kept it tucked away in the back of my mind. I went about my week being stressed out and feeling like all this school work would push me to the limit. There have been a couple rough times especially, when I just felt so beat down and exhausted. Then I let all that stress just stay bottled up inside, so I stay aggravated all night and go to bed mad, and wake up grumpy the next morning. Not exactly a great solution to the stressed out problem.

Now I'm not telling you all of this as my way of continuing to feel sorry for myself. I'm just giving this all to you as background information, so that you can see where I'm really coming from.

See, one morning I was particularly irritable. Everyone annoyed me and no one could change my mood. Selfish, huh? But then I was halfway through my breakfast when I remembered that line from church telling me to seek rest in God. In the middle of my grumpiness and stress, this message practically hit me upside the head.

You see, whenever I get stressed I tend to fall away from God. I allow all those stresses to overwhelm me, and I push God to the side. I tell myself that I don't have time to do devotions or to try and be close to God, but that instead I merely need to work on my homework and just do devotions when I have time. Then I start to feel guilty but I still stay away from God because I'm afraid He will be mad at me. I'm afraid that I will only temporarily stay close to God, but then I'll let school work get in the way and that God will get even more mad at me. I hate the idea of disappointing God, so ironically I continue to disappoint God by staying away from Him rather than drawing near to Him to overcome that feeling. You see my problem?

Then I started thinking about that line from that song. And I realized something. It doesn't say that you have to try and make yourself the best version of yourself before you approach God. It doesn't say that you have to have your whole life figured our before you seek the Lord's help. It doesn't have any conditions attached to it at all actually. All it says to do is to seek your rest in God. Allow God to be the peace in your life and the one you go to when things get hard. It calls you to simply rest in God, and give your stresses to Him. He is in control of the entire universe, so can't He handle those little projects that are stressing you out so much?

God can do all things,
Seek rest in God.

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